Dental Hygiene

A specially trained dental hygienist administers dental hygiene treatment by assisting with the removal of any hard-to-reach plaque that may have accumulated on your teeth over time. Here is what you can anticipate from an appointment for hygiene:

Here are some of the stages that will be covered during your dental hygiene appointment:

1. Your teeth and gums will be evaluated to determine the quantity of plaque eradication necessary, and risk factors will be emphasised.

2. Your teeth will be cleansed professionally using specialised equipment and pastes. This method is also referred to as scaling and refining.

3. The role of the hygienist is to teach you how to care for your teeth so that they remain plaque-free in the future. You will be instructed on the optimal technique for cleansing your teeth and given advice on flossing and using interdental brushes.

Our dental hygiene practise also serves as a preventative measure against gum disease and bad odour. If you have a bridge, denture, orthodontic treatment, or dental implant, you will have specific sanitation requirements that the hygienist can help you meet.

It is advised that you schedule regular hygiene appointments to maintain a clean and healthy mouth.

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