Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry is the study, evaluation, and treatment of maladies affecting the oral cavity, teeth, and their supporting structures.
A restorative specialist integrates the three mainstream specialties of prosthodontics, periodontics, and endodontics, basing his or her practise on how these disciplines interact in the administration of cases requiring multifaceted and complex oral care.
The treatment of oncology patients with a head and neck tumour can result in intra-oral defects that necessitate meticulously designed obturation and satisfactory social rehabilitation. Restorative management falls under the purview of the Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, who assists the patient in preserving any remaining teeth and provides appropriate appliance therapy, including implant-retained prosthetic rehabilitation. Patients who are treated with radiotherapy to the head and neck require meticulous planning, close supervision, and timely preventive care.
Our Consultant in Restorative Dentistry is also responsible for managing the restorative care of patients with a variety of conditions for which dental treatment may be risky or difficult. For instance, patients with clotting disorders, leukaemia, endocardial lesions, certain forms of drug therapy, elderly patients with special needs, and those with learning disabilities.
Patients with congenital clefts or major dental abnormalities require treatment that is meticulously planned and frequently complex. The training of the restorative dentist is optimal for managing such patients.