Paediatric Dentistry

Our paediatric dentist treats patients from birth to age fifteen.

A Cautious Approach To Paediatric Dentistry

Paediatric dentistry necessitates a sensitive approach. Prior to the dental examination, we like to introduce your child to the clinical environment during the initial consultation appointment. Typically, we will ask you to remain with your child to alleviate any anxiety he or she may experience.

Typically, the consultation lasts up to one hour. We do not administer treatment during consultations because we do not wish to cause your child any unnecessary anxiety. If clinically necessary, an examination and possible x-rays will be performed in our London clinic. our infant dentist, will also follow up this appointment with a comprehensive clinical report and a cost breakdown.

Children's dental care requires a distinct approach, including the use of sedation. Therefore, we must determine the most "friendly" method of administering treatment for your child's age. Others will require moderate sedation or a general anaesthetic in addition to a compassionate approach and familiarisation with the dental environment. If we believe that your child cannot tolerate treatment, even while sedated, she will recommend hospital-based general anaesthesia.

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