
Three kinds of periodontal disease exist. This is caused by plaque bacteria working between the sensitive tissues and the tooth. It gradually erodes the underlying bone and damages the tooth roots. If left untreated, your gums become more inflamed and 'puffier' over time, bleed easily and make eating uncomfortable, and could eventually contribute to tooth loss. Early stages are amenable to non-surgical clinical treatments.

What precisely is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is an infection of the gums that damages the delicate tissues. It can destroy the bone that supports your teeth if left untreated. It is primarily caused by inadequate oral hygiene.

What triggers periodontitis?

Plaque is formed when the sugars and starches in our food interact with the microorganisms in our mouths to form a thin layer over the teeth. If this Plaque is not removed, it will ultimately harden and become Tartar. Tartar is extremely difficult to remove, necessitating the assistance of a professional dental cleaning service.

Under the gum line, tartar and plaque, along with bacteria, cause infection and eventually contribute to gingivitis - irritation and inflammation of the gum tissue around the base of the teeth. If left untreated, this can progress to a deeper infection, more space between the teeth and gums, and periodontal disease. This periodontal disease is responsible for the separation of teeth and gums.

What are the treatment options for periodontal disease?

Here is what makes our Periodontics practise the finest. First, measurements are taken around each tooth to determine the severity of the disease. This is repeated throughout each phase of treatment in order to continuously monitor the disease's progression. It is referred to as a six-point pocket chart.​

Once the stage of the disease has been determined, recommendations for the most effective gum disease treatments are made and a customised treatment plan is provided. A Dental Hygienist/Therapist may provide oral hygiene instruction, thorough scaling, and polishing during the initial phase of treatment. After this phase of treatment has been completed, you are reevaluated by Our Specialist Periodontist to determine if additional treatment is required.​

Root plaining is an additional form of thorough scaling that is best performed by a periodontist. This procedure is performed under a local anaesthetic and typically requires two consultations.

Periodontal Surgery – This is the most invasive treatment and is sometimes required in cases of moderate or advanced disease. There may also be a need for bone grafting and the application of medications to the affected area in order to eliminate the harmful bacteria and reconstruct your lost bone.

What should I anticipate upon completion of treatment?

You will always require the assistance of a hygienist and dentist to maintain a meticulous oral hygiene routine. We are always available to assist you alongside your dentist. We recommend visits between your primary dentist and us.

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