Nervous Patients

Smile Hub Dental Clinic's mission is to provide comfortable treatments in a cordial, welcoming environment so that all patients feel at ease and welcome. We are committed to providing such a high standard of care that even patients with severe dental phobia will find it unnecessary to avoid treatment.

If you experience dental anxiety, we will make every effort to ensure that your visit to our office is as comfortable and soothing as possible.

Compassionate Staff

Although advanced dental sedation is a crucial component of your care, we believe that having a compassionate, kind, and considerate staff also goes a long way towards alleviating dental anxiety.

For this reason, we have assembled a team of professionals who take great pride in providing you with a supportive and tranquil environment in which you will feel at ease. Each member of the team listens to your requirements, allowing our consultants to easily tailor treatment to your specific fears and concerns. Also, we endeavour to keep all appointments on time, as we believe this can significantly reduce your stress.

At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, our anaesthesiologist, dentists, hygienists, and other team members are committed to providing exceptional dental care throughout the duration of your treatment.

Types of Sedation Used at Smile Hub Dental Clinic we are a variety of sedation dentistry techniques, including:

Oral sedatives

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Intravenous (IV)

If you require multiple appointments or lengthy procedures, sedation can help you relax into a sleep-like state while treatment is administered without causing you any additional tension or pain.

If you require further information about our sedation options, please contact us at, where a member of our team will be able to assist you.

Standard anaesthesia

If you are an apprehensive patient who requires dental treatment that cannot be completed under conscious sedation, you may be a candidate for general anaesthesia.

After you have been examined and discussed treatment at your consultation appointment, it may be necessary for you to undertake your proposed treatment under general anaesthesia.

If you require treatment under a general anaesthetic, certain of our consultants have admittance rights to private hospitals.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

Anxious Children

During the initial consultation with your child, our consultant will evaluate not only the necessary treatment, but also your child's coping abilities. If we believe that your child can tolerate treatment, even under sedation, we will recommend hospital-administered general anaesthesia as an alternative.

In Paediatric Dentistry, Inhalation Sedation (happy gas) is a standard procedure when your child requires extensive or technically challenging dental treatment. We are specially trained at Smile Hub Dental Clinic to administer sedation to minors. It is administered in the dental chair and reduces apprehension.

At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, our sedation procedures have an exceptional safety record. Prior to beginning any dental procedure, we will always inform you of its benefits and dangers.

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