Inlays & Onlays

If the damage is too severe, especially on the back molars, an inlay or onlay is recommended. Inlays and onlays can be crafted from a variety of durable materials, including metals and ceramics.

An inlay is a small restoration that inserts into a tooth's biting surface. Onlays cover a larger portion of the tooth and are more suitable for cavities that are larger in size. Historically, gold was used for these forms of restorations. In recent years, however, tooth-colored, wear-resistant porcelain has become the material of preference. This method of tooth restoration is more aesthetically pleasing and results in a more natural-looking smile. Here is how they function:

1. After taking an impression of your tooth, the inlay or onlay will be fabricated by a technician in a dental laboratory.

2. While these are being fabricated, you will wear a temporary restoration. After removing the temporary filling, we will bond your inlay or onlay into position using a special adhesive when it is ready. Your restored tooth will not only appear natural but also function normally, allowing you to bite, chew, and consume pain-free.

Due to advancements in digital technology (called CAD/CAM), some dental offices are able to create porcelain inlays using a CEREC milling machine. This means you will require fewer visits to the dentist to restore your tooth.

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