Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery

Smile Hub Dental Clinic's mission is to provide patients with the highest quality surgical care available. On request, we provide comprehensive oral and maxillofacial surgery under local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation. With this sedation administered by our sedationists, all oral surgical procedures are available. If you require oral surgery, our clinic is equipped with cutting-edge, precise technology.

We are also available for oral surgery procedures, such as the extraction of wisdom teeth or teeth roots that have become impacted.

Please let us know if you have dental or medical insurance, including Aviva, when you schedule your consultation appointment. Depending on the insurance company you use and the specifics of your policy, we may require applicable forms and/or pre-authorization codes.

Please note that our Consultants are recognised by the majority of medical insurance providers. Even if you have only medical insurance and no dental coverage, you may be able to submit a claim for a portion of your treatment. Please contact us if you wish to discuss this or have any queries about our services.

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